Vostokelectro Rehabilitation Project — Corporate Development Programme, EBRD
Vostokelectro has the highest electricity losses in Kyrgyzstan reaching 17% in 2015 while the number of emergency shutdowns in 2015 reached 1,209. The Company developed a program for operational efficiency improvement including introduction of ASKUE and installation of 32,000 modern meters in the Tup and Jeti-Oghuz regions. The main benefit of ASKUE is expected to come from better metering accuracy and elimination of human factor from manipulation and theft. A pilot project for installation of the first 150 meters has already resulted in reduction of electricity losses from 14% down to 6% due to substantial reduction in commercial losses. The growing demand also difficult to accommodate using existing power infrastructure. This can pose a serious problem for economic development of the region.
The Project will enable the Company to address the above outlined issues and improve its electricity distribution services by financing priority investments for the rehabilitation and modernisation of the metering system and strengthening of the network. The Project will include the installation of modern electricity meters and automatic control systems, strengthening the capacity and efficiency of transformers, and distribution lines aimed at reducing distribution network losses and increasing energy efficiency. The Project will result in increased energy efficiency, a reduction in losses, and improvements in reliability of power supply. This will stimulate the process of commercialisation of Company’s operations and increase transparency, thus supporting the sector reforms and having a significant demonstration effect in the country.
► Development and implementation of a Financial and Operational Performance Improvement Programme (FOPIP);
► Development and adoption of a Corporate Business Plan.
Location of the assignment: Karakol, Kyrgyz Republic
Cooperating companies: K. S. Solutions, LLC & PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory s.r.o. (Slovakia)
Client: Vostokelectro, OJSC
Duration of the assignment: 36 months (started at December 2018)