Osh Public Transport Project — Regulatory Support Programme, EBRD
The public transport market in the City is currently dominated by poorly regulated minibuses with 19 private operators. The City’s transport network consists of 4 routes operated by the Osh Auto Transport Company and 48 routes operated by private minibuses. Based on the passenger kilometre indicator, the market share of the Company for trolleybus and buses services is 28 per cent, with the private operators of minibuses achieving 72 per cent. The City has a vision to create a system with major routes being serviced by high capacity municipal trolleybuses and buses. However, most of the current operational trolleybus and bus fleets, as well as the trolleybus infrastructure, are outdated and urgently require investment. Institutional reform is also required to create a market-based, customer-oriented public transport service and to introduce modern governance and management. In these circumstances, the City, backed by the Government of the KR, has requested the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support a project to improve the public transport system in the City.
The Project objectives are: (i) the development of an institutional framework for the public transport sector for enabling the City to acquire acceptable safety and environmental standards through the introduction of competitive route tendering, including the development of PSCs between the City and private operators; and (ii) the monitoring of services provided under the various PSCs to be signed with the Company and the private operators.
► Overall project management support as required;
► Public transport planning, modelling and financial analysis;
► Public transport institutional and regulatory frameworks, and
► Kyrgyz public sector procurement and legislation;
Location of the assignment: Osh, Kyrgyz Republic
Cooperating companies: K.S. Solutions, LLC, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, s.r.o. Slovak Republic
Client: Osh Auto Transport Company
Duration of the assignment: 12 months (started at Q2 2017)